Winter Dreams Questions on Long Ago, There Was Something in Me, but Now That Thing is Gone. Now That Thing is Gone, That Thing is Gone. I Cannot Cry. I Cannot Care. That Thing Will Come Back No More.

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Winter Dreams

In F. Scott Fitzgerald's "Winter Dreams," Dexter Green is a dynamic character who evolves significantly over the course of the story. Initially a hardworking, emotional caddy from a working-class...

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Winter Dreams

In "Winter Dreams" by F. Scott Fitzgerald, Dexter Green's life is profoundly impacted by Judy Jones' changing circumstances. Initially captivated by her beauty and wealth, Dexter's dreams and...

5 educator answers

Winter Dreams

A quote that encapsulates the essence of "Winter Dreams" is "Dexter was unconsciously dictated to by his winter dreams." This reflects Dexter's ambition for wealth and status, which ultimately proves...

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Winter Dreams

Dexter reacts to Judy's news by breaking down emotionally. He is hurt and angry that she ruined her life.

1 educator answer