William H. Gass Criticism
Gass, William H.
- Introduction
- Principal Works
- The World Within the Word
- Fleshing Out Willie Masters' Lonesome Wife
- The Winter Wasteland of William Gass's ‘In the Heart of the Heart of the Country’
- ‘Yung and Easily Freudened’: William Gass's ‘The Pedersen Kid’
- William Gass: A ‘Purified Modernist’ in a Postmodern World
- Where Words Dwell Adored: An Introduction to William Gass
- William Gass and the Real World
- A Repulsively Lonely Man
- Notes From a Postmodern ‘Underground Man’
- In the Dark Chambers of the Soul
- A Small Apartment in Hell
- Splendor in the Gass,?
- The Tunnel
- The Tunnel
- Journey into the Dark
- Finding a Form
- In the Heart of the Heart of the Text
- Finding a Form
- Postmodernizing the Holocaust: William Gass in The Tunnel
- The Tunnel
- Cartesian Sonata and Other Novellas
- Wrestling with God
- Further Reading
- Gass, William H(oward) (Vol. 2)
- Gass, William H(oward) (Vol. 1)
- Gass, William H(oward) (Vol. 8)
- Gass, William H(oward) (Vol. 11)
- Gass, William H(oward) (Vol. 15)