The Westing Game Questions on Chapter 1
The Westing Game
What was unusual about Barney Northrup in The Westing Game?
On the first page of The Westing Game the reader is alerted that Barney Northrup is not what he appears to be: Then one day (it happened to be the Fourth of July), a most uncommon-looking delivery...
The Westing Game
The enigmatic characteristics, resident details, and peculiar tenant selection process of Sunset Towers in The...
Sunset Towers is an enigmatic, luxurious apartment building with a lake view and modern amenities. It has five floors with tailored apartments and offices. Its tenant selection process is peculiar...
The Westing Game
Why is the delivery boy described as uncommon looking in The Westing Game?
In Ellen Raskin's The Westing Game, the delivery boy is described as "uncommon-looking." He is described this way because he was sixty-two years old. Obviously the term "delivery boy" generally...