Why did some men believe they were cursed in Chapter 19 of The Wager?
What did the men eat while traveling in the barge and yawl?
Who were the men trying to join in Chapter 19 of The Wager?
Who left the island two months before Chapter 19 of The Wager?
What happened to the yawl during the journey in Chapter 19 of The Wager?
What did the men drink when they could find it during their journey in Chapter 19 of The Wager?
What did the men consider doing due to lack of food in Chapter 19 of The Wager?
Who was impressed by Cheap's efficiency in Chapter 19 of The Wager?
Where were the men heading when they left the island in Chapter 19 of The Wager?
What did the men do after failing to get around the cape in Chapter 19 of The Wager?