The Twenty-One Balloons

by William Pene du Bois

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The Twenty-One Balloons

The Twenty-One Balloons follows Professor William Waterman Sherman's adventurous balloon journey. Initially, he plans a solitary trip across the Pacific but is found in the Atlantic with twenty...

12 educator answers

The Twenty-One Balloons

The Twenty-One Balloons by William Pène du Bois centers on Professor William Waterman Sherman, who, after retiring, attempts a global balloon journey. He crashes on Krakatoa, discovering a utopian...

14 educator answers

The Twenty-One Balloons

The Twenty-One Balloons employs several literary devices, including symbolism, imagery, and irony. Symbolism is evident in the hot air balloons representing adventure and freedom. Imagery is used to...

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The Twenty-One Balloons

The book "The Twenty-One Balloons" blends fact and fiction. The fictional elements include the characters, plot, and the idea of American families living on Krakatoa with access to diamonds. However,...

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The Twenty-One Balloons

In "The Twenty-One Balloons," Mr. M's house on Krakatoa features inventions that align with a technologically advanced society. The house includes revolving wall panels for easy decor changes and a...

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The Twenty-One Balloons

In William Pène du Bois's The Twenty-One Balloons, Chapter Two focuses on Professor Sherman's journey to San Francisco to share his balloon adventure with the Western American Explorers' Club, amidst...

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The Twenty-One Balloons

In 1875, Mr. M and twenty families move to the island of Krakatoa. In 1883, Professor Sherman crash-lands on the island. 1) Why does Mr. M build a giant platform suspended by 20 giant balloons?

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The Twenty-One Balloons

In The Twenty-One Balloons, Professor Sherman embarks on an adventurous journey across the Pacific Ocean in a large, luxurious balloon. His aim is to escape the monotony of his teaching career and...

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The Twenty-One Balloons

Professor Sherman makes an intriguing statement about life on Krakatoa, noting that mechanical inventions often make society too fast-paced, sacrificing elegance and simplicity. He questions why life...

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The Twenty-One Balloons

The twenty families on Krakatoa Island are all from the United States, each representing the architecture and cuisine of a different nation. They were brought to the island by Mr. M., a sailor who...

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The Twenty-One Balloons

Foreshadowing in "The Twenty-One Balloons" occurs through several hints: balloon travel being ideal for uncertain destinations suggests unexpected events, including a balloon escape. Professor...

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The Twenty-One Balloons

The problem in "The Twenty-One Balloons" is the impending volcanic eruption on Krakatoa, threatening Professor Sherman and the island's inhabitants. The resolution involves their escape plan using a...

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The Twenty-One Balloons

The Western American Explorer's Club is a fictional organization in The Twenty-One Balloons, inspired by real explorer clubs like the National Geographic Society. It comprises teachers, scientists,...

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The Twenty-One Balloons

While The Twenty-One Balloons is primarily about a utopian society valuing creativity and individuality, typical dystopian characteristics contrast sharply with this. Dystopian traits include heavy...

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The Twenty-One Balloons

The Krakatoans stay on the island due to their deep connection to the land and their livelihoods based on the island's resources. Their disaster exit plan involves using boats to evacuate to nearby...

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The Twenty-One Balloons

The point of view in The Twenty-One Balloons shifts throughout the story. Initially, it combines third and second person in the introduction. The first chapter uses a third-person limited...

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The Twenty-One Balloons

In "The Twenty-One Balloons," Professor Sherman receives a five-minute applause after stating, "I haven't been away very long, but I have certainly missed..." This excites the audience because it...

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The Twenty-One Balloons

In "The Twenty-One Balloons," Krakatoa feeds eighty people each night. The island is home to twenty families, each consisting of four members: a mother, father, son, and daughter. Each family...

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The Twenty-One Balloons

The story takes place primarily on the island of Krakatoa, located in Indonesia, during 1883, just before its famous volcanic eruption. The narrative begins and ends in San Francisco, California,...

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The Twenty-One Balloons

Professor Sherman appreciates the escape balloon in "Twenty-One Balloons" for its ingenious design and precise calculations, which align with his interests as a balloonist and mathematician. The...

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