Tomson Highway Questions and Answers
Tomson Highway
What is Nanabush's function and significance in Highway's plays The Rez Sisters and Dry Lips Oughta Move to Kapuskasing?
Nanabush, a trickster figure, plays a crucial role in both of Highway's plays by exploring spiritual and gender themes. In "The Rez Sisters," Nanabush interacts with characters like Zhaboonigan and...
Tomson Highway
Analyze hegemonies between nationalities, race or gender in Tomson Highway's Dry Lips Oughta Move to Kapuskasing....
Highway's play is set in the fictitious town of Wasaychigan Hill, located near Kenora, Ontario. The time frame is uncertain but most likely a few years in the recent past. The main characters are...
Tomson Highway
Explain Big Joey's misogyny, Simon's traditionalism, and Spooky's Christianity in Highway's Dry Lips Oughta Move To...
Simon's traditionalism, Joey's misogyny and Spooky's Christianity all speak to the decline of the way of life for Canadian Natives.