In Harper Lee's To Kill a Mockingbird, one thing Scout
changes about herself over the course of the first 18 chapters of the
book concerns gaining more control of her temper.
At the start of the book, Scout is very quick to lose her temper and get...
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into fist fights any time she thinks she or her family has been insulted. However, byChapter 9, Atticus tells her she needs to stop fighting and
start learning how to use her head by remaining calm in times
of difficulty. He further warns her that she'll be subjected to ridicule
frequently due to his involvement in Tom Robinson's case, and learning to use
her head will now be even more important than ever. At first Scout struggles to
keep her head, but by Chapter 11, Scout is able to
keep her head, whereas Jem loses control.
In Chapter 11, Scout and Jem begin bravely and frequently walking past
Mrs. Dubose's house, the meanest old lady in Maycomb. Each
time they walk past, she insults the children. One time she stoops so low as to
say, "Your father's no better than the niggers and trash he works for!" (Ch.
11). Passing her house again on their way back home, Jem grabs the baton he
just bought for Scout and uses it to whack off every camellia flower in her
garden. Scout notes the following about her brother's behavior in
comparison to her own:
What Jem did was something I'd do as a matter of course had I not been under Atticus's interdict, which I assumed included not fighting with horrible old ladies. (Ch. 11)
She further notes her surprise at his behavior since he usually has a very calm temper that significantly contrasts with her own very hot temper. The above passage shows us that, under Atticus's guidance, she has begun to learn how to keep her head, whereas Jem is beginning to be worn down by all of the ridicule he is experiencing.