Illustration of a bird perched on a scale of justice

To Kill a Mockingbird

by Harper Lee

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To Kill a Mockingbird Characters

The main characters in To Kill a Mockingbird are Scout Finch, Jem Finch, Atticus Finch, Boo Radley, Tom Robinson, Mayella Ewell, and Bob Ewell.

  • Jean Louise "Scout" Finch is the young narrator. She lives with her brother and father in Maycomb, Alabama.
  • James "Jem" Finch is Scout’s older brother.
  • Atticus Finch is a respected attorney. He defends Tom Robinson and incurs the wrath of the community.
  • Boo Radley is Scout's reclusive neighbor.
  • Tom Robinson is an innocent Black man who is falsely accused of raping a White woman.
  • Mayella Ewell is the White woman who falsely accuses Tom of rape.
  • Bob Ewell is Mayella's abusive father.

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Jean Louise “Scout” Finch

Scout Finch is the protagonist and narrator of To Kill a Mockingbird, and the events of the story unfold through her recollections of growing up in the small town of Maycomb. (Read our extended character analysis of Scout Finch.)

Jeremy Atticus “Jem” Finch

Scout’s older brother, Jem Finch, is only nine years old when the novel opens. In temperament, he is more mature and thoughtful than his impulsive younger sister. (Read our extended character analysis of Jem Finch.)

Atticus Finch

The widowed father of Scout and Jem, Atticus Finch forms the moral center of the novel. As a respected lawyer, Atticus uses his exalted position in the community to fight against injustice. (Read our extended character analysis of Atticus Finch.)

Arthur “Boo” Radley

Reclusive and mysterious, Boo Radley is an important figure in the children’s lives. He has remained shut in his house while rumors about him have swirled around town for years. (Read our extended character analysis of Boo Radley.)


Calpurnia is the Finch family’s Black housekeeper. A formidable female presence in the children’s lives, Calpurnia has helped to raise them since their mother’s untimely death. Though Scout often resents how strict Calpurnia is, the children clearly love her and see her as a maternal figure. Calpurnia serves as a bridge between the children and the Black community in Maycomb, helping them see the effects of the Tom Robinson trial from a different perspective. Though Calpurnia makes an effort to bring the children into her world, she also helps them realize the differences between their own white world and the oppressed Black community of Maycomb. Scout’s perspective is broadened when she hears Calpurnia speaking differently among members of her church, forcing Scout to acknowledge that Calpurnia has an entire life beyond the Finch family.

John Hale “Jack” Finch

Jack Finch is Atticus’s younger brother and is known to Scout and Jem as “Uncle Jack.” Atticus’s children love Jack, though he does not understand children quite as well as Atticus. Scout accuses Uncle Jack of being unfair when he punishes her for attacking Francis without hearing her out first. After talking with Atticus and Scout, however, Jack realizes that he should have listened to Scout and apologizes.

Aunt Alexandra

Aunt Alexandra is Atticus’s sister who comes to stay during the trial. She is the epitome of the “Southern Belle” and firmly adheres to traditional social hierarchies regarding class and race. She strongly opposes Atticus’s involvement in Tom Robinson’s trial and criticizes his parenting of Scout, who she feels is not being taught to act like a proper lady. Scout, meanwhile, finds Alexandra to be an overbearing and unpleasant addition to their household. Though Alexandra—like other citizens of Maycomb—is blinded by prejudice, she truly cares about her brother Atticus. When Alexandra is upset by the hypocrisy of her missionary circle and the death of Tom Robinson, she is determined not to let it show. Her strength leads Scout to the realization that being a “lady” takes courage and perseverance.

Charles Baker “Dill” Harris

Dill Harris is Scout and Jem’s imaginative young playmate who travels to Maycomb to stay with his aunt every summer. He is closest to Scout in age and temperament, and they share a playful childhood romance. Dill is adept at telling fantastic stories, which he often uses to cover up his insecurity over his family life. At one point, feeling unloved and ignored by his mother, Dill runs away to Maycomb and hides under Scout’s bed, demonstrating the depth of his attachment to the Finch family. Underneath his dramatic and outgoing personality, he is quite sensitive, as shown when he breaks down and cries after witnessing Mr. Gilmer’s disrespectful treatment of Tom Robinson during the trial.

Miss Maudie Atkinson

Miss Maudie is the children’s neighbor and adult confidante. She is one of the few white adults in the novel to share Atticus’s beliefs about prejudice and injustice. Miss Maudie is patient with the children and helps them make sense of the events unfolding around them. Her character imparts many key lessons to the Finch children, most notably by explaining why it is a sin to kill a mockingbird. She also models perseverance and optimism for the children when after her house burns down, she flippantly tells them that she didn’t much care for it anyway.

Nathan Radley

Nathan is Boo’s older brother who upsets the children when he fills in the knothole in his tree with cement, effectively ending their gifts from Boo.

Robert (Bob) Ewell

Bob Ewell is a poor, unemployed drunk who neglects and abuses his many children. When he discovers that his daughter Mayella favors Tom Robinson, he attacks her, leading Mayella to falsely accuse Tom of rape. Feeling humiliated after Tom Robinson's trial, Bob vows to get revenge on Atticus. He ambushes Scout and Jem with a knife after the Halloween pageant but is killed by Boo Radley before he can kill the children.

Mayella Ewell

Bob Ewell’s daughter who accuses Tom Robinson of rape. Though Mayella’s immoral actions result in the conviction and death of an innocent man, she is also a pitiful character. During the trial, it becomes clear that she has lived a hard life of abuse and squalor at the hands of her cruel father. Despite her low social status and implausible accusation, most of the town considers a Black man automatically guilty, illustrating the depth of racism in Maycomb.

Tom Robinson

An honest and hardworking Black man who is unjustly accused of raping Mayella Ewell. Though Atticus proves that Tom could not have raped Mayella, the jury still convicts him due to their racial prejudice. Tom, like Boo Radley, is a “mockingbird,” an innocent person who has been unfairly harmed by society.

Walter Cunningham Sr.

The father of Scout’s classmate, Walter Cunningham leads a mob to the jailhouse with the intention of lynching Tom Robinson. Atticus confronts the lynch mob outside the jail, but they are only stopped when Scout runs out and begins chatting with Mr. Cunningham about his son. Scout’s innocence and goodness lead Walter to second guess his plan, and he tells the mob to disperse. Atticus later reveals that on the jury there was a Cunningham who wanted a full acquittal for Tom Robinson, demonstrating that people can change for the better.

Helen Robinson

Tom Robinson’s wife. She is harassed by Bob Ewell after the trial.

Link Deas

Tom Robinson’s employer who speaks out on Tom’s behalf during the trial. He gives Helen Robinson a job after the conviction of her husband.

Mrs. Henry Lafayette Dubose

An old, racist woman who lives near the Finches and often shouts abuse at Scout and Jem as they walk past. When Jem destroys her flowers, Atticus forces him to read to Mrs. Dubose every day. After she dies, Atticus explains to the children that she was struggling with a morphine addiction and had shown great courage by trying to fight it.

Heck Tate

Heck is the sheriff of Maycomb and a good man. He agrees with Atticus to keep Boo’s role in Bob Ewell’s demise hidden in order to spare Boo the unwanted attention.

Mr. Dolphus Raymond

Dolphus Raymond is a white man who lives with a Black mistress and several mixed-race children. Though the town believes him to be a drunk, he reveals to the children that he is only pretending to be a drunk because he believes that the townspeople would never understand his interracial relationship otherwise.

Mr. Braxton Bragg Underwood

Mr. Underwood is the local newspaper editor. Though he admittedly despises Black people, he publishes a scathing article after Tom Robinson’s trial, criticizing the hypocrisy of Maycomb.

Expert Q&A

How are two characters physically described in To Kill a Mockingbird?

Boo Radley is initially described through children's imaginations as tall, scarred, and monstrous, but Scout later sees him as a pale, timid man with sickly white hands and thin, hollow cheeks. Tom Robinson is described as a black man with powerful shoulders but a crippled left arm that is twelve inches shorter than his right. Both characters are victimized partly due to their physical appearances.

In To Kill a Mockingbird, what does Scout learn from Calpurnia?

In To Kill a Mockingbird, Scout learns practical skills from Calpurnia like penmanship and hosting. She also learns deeper lessons on how to look out for others, display moral courage, and answer difficult questions with honesty.

In To Kill a Mockingbird, who is the flat character and why?

Bob Ewell is a flat character in To Kill a Mockingbird because he remains a bigot and abuser throughout the novel. He experiences no personal growth or change, continuing his violent and racist behavior until his death. Other flat characters include Mayella Ewell, Calpurnia, Miss Stephanie Crawford, and Mrs. Merriweather, who also show no significant internal development.

What three life lessons do Scout and Jem learn in To Kill a Mockingbird?

In To Kill a Mockingbird, Scout and Jem learn several life lessons. They learn fairness from Atticus, who defends Tom Robinson and teaches them to respect Boo Radley's privacy. They realize not to judge others by appearances through Boo's transformation from a feared figure to a savior. From Calpurnia, they learn humility, understanding social differences, and respecting others regardless of their background. These lessons emphasize empathy, courage, and integrity.

What is the significance of the names "Scout" and "Boo" in To Kill a Mockingbird?

The name "Scout" signifies Jean Louise Finch's curiosity and observational nature, fitting her role in exploring her surroundings and narrating the story. "Boo" is the nickname for Arthur Radley Jr., reflecting his ghost-like presence in the community and the eerie rumors surrounding him. Boo is seldom seen, embodying a phantom-like figure feared by the townspeople, which makes the nickname "Boo" fitting for his mysterious character.

In To Kill a Mockingbird, what do Jem and Scout's reactions to the knothole pennies reveal about their characters?

Jem and Scout's reactions to finding pennies in the knothole reveal key aspects of their characters. Jem is fascinated by the age and supposed magic of the pennies, showing his imaginative and hopeful nature. He believes they bring good luck and health. In contrast, Scout is concerned about the ethical implications, worried about taking someone else's property, which highlights her sense of right and wrong.

Describe the main characters in To Kill a Mockingbird's Maycomb. Are they racist?

The main characters in Maycomb exhibit varying degrees of racism. Atticus Finch is notably non-racist, defending a black man in court. Scout and Jem Finch, though they use racial slurs picked up from their environment, show empathy towards the black community. Dill Harris is sensitive to racial injustice, while Miss Maudie Atkinson supports racial equality. In contrast, Bob Ewell is overtly racist, embodying the town's prejudices, while Miss Stephanie Crawford and Aunt Alexandra reflect more subtle biases.

Which characters in To Kill a Mockingbird reveal moral education and how?

In To Kill a Mockingbird, moral education is revealed through several characters. Scout, the narrator, learns about society's hypocrisy by observing adults. Atticus Finch imparts moral lessons through advice and actions, emphasizing empathy and honesty. Calpurnia teaches Scout about manners and respect. Miss Maudie exemplifies optimism and independence. Tom Robinson and Boo Radley embody integrity and kindness despite being outsiders. These lessons help Scout and Jem mature, understanding courage, compassion, and societal injustices.

What are the pastimes of Jem and Atticus in To Kill a Mockingbird?

Jem Finch enjoys playing football, highlighting his transition to adulthood, willingness to face conflict, and teamwork skills. Atticus Finch, known as Maycomb's best checker player, demonstrates his preference for strategic thinking and problem-solving. He is also skilled with a jew's harp and is an exceptional marksman, earning the nickname "One-shot Finch." These hobbies reveal his steady hand, attention to detail, and intellectual nature.

What are three lessons Dill learns in To Kill a Mockingbird?

Dill learns significant life lessons in To Kill a Mockingbird. He discovers the importance of family connection when he feels neglected by his mother and stepfather, prompting him to run away to people who care for him. He also learns about Maycomb's social hierarchy and the harsh realities of racism, which deeply upset him during Tom Robinson's trial. Additionally, Dill understands the truth about Boo Radley and Dolphus Raymond, challenging societal perceptions and stereotypes.

Which characters in To Kill a Mockingbird are best to compare and contrast?

In Harper Lee's To Kill a Mockingbird, two foils are Uncle Jack and Jem. Although they do not have direct influence on the children's lives, they show various aspects of Atticus' character that make him the ideal father. Through Uncle Jack we see how Atticus differs in parenting style.

In To Kill a Mockingbird, does Jem's desire for respect impact the other characters?

Jem's desire for respect significantly impacts the characters around him. As he matures, he seeks respect from his father, Atticus, and his peers, including his sister, Scout. His actions, such as retrieving his pants from the Radley yard and reacting to insults against Atticus, demonstrate his need for respect and maturity. This desire also distances him from Scout, as he increasingly sees himself as more mature and deserving of adult-like respect.

Miss Stephanie Crawford Character Analysis in To Kill a Mockingbird

Miss Stephanie Crawford in To Kill a Mockingbird is depicted as Maycomb's notorious gossip and "neighborhood scold." She is characterized both directly and indirectly throughout the novel. Directly, Scout describes her as overweight and a busybody who spreads rumors, especially about Boo Radley. Indirectly, her actions and the disdain of other characters, like Miss Maudie, highlight her as unreliable and prejudiced. Despite her supposed knowledge of local affairs, much of her gossip is exaggerated or false, making her a figure of ridicule and mistrust.

Character Comparisons in To Kill a Mockingbird

In To Kill a Mockingbird, Harper Lee contrasts Walter Cunningham Jr. and Burris Ewell to highlight differences in character despite similar economic hardships. Both boys are poor and face challenges at school, but Walter is depicted as respectful and honorable, reflecting his family's values of integrity and dignity. In contrast, Burris is rude and disrespectful, mirroring the negative traits of his father, Bob Ewell. This comparison underscores Lee's message that character and values, not wealth, define a person's worth.

Character Conflicts in To Kill a Mockingbird

In To Kill a Mockingbird, characters face various internal and external conflicts. Atticus Finch grapples with defending Tom Robinson amidst societal disapproval and worries about parenting. Scout deals with her temper and societal ridicule due to Atticus's defense of Robinson. Jem faces adolescence and trial outcomes. Dill seeks familial love, while Boo Radley chooses isolation but protects the Finch children. Miss Maudie shows resilience after her house burns. Scout learns tolerance through conflicts with Walter Cunningham and Miss Caroline, facing societal racism during the trial.

What lessons do Jem and Scout learn from adults in To Kill a Mockingbird?

Jem and Scout learn valuable lessons from adults in their community. Jem learns about humility and integrity from Atticus, and the importance of education and respect from Calpurnia. Scout learns about empathy and understanding from her father's advice to "climb into his skin," as well as lessons in manners from Calpurnia. Both children also learn about racial injustice and moral courage through the actions and words of Atticus, Miss Maudie, and Dolphus Raymond.

Character Development in To Kill a Mockingbird

In To Kill a Mockingbird, Boo Radley is often seen as a static character, maintaining his compassionate nature throughout the novel despite being perceived differently by others. He consistently displays kindness, culminating in his heroic act of saving the children. Conversely, some argue Boo is dynamic, evolving from a mysterious figure to a protective friend. Dill Harris is generally considered static, his imaginative nature unchanged, though some highlight his dynamic shift upon witnessing racial injustice, revealing a deeper understanding of societal issues.

In To Kill a Mockingbird, what significant life lessons do Jem, Scout, and Dill learn?

Jem, Scout, and Dill learn critical life lessons about morality, prejudice, and empathy. Atticus teaches them to respect and defend the innocent, illustrated by his defense of Tom Robinson and the lesson that it's a sin to kill a mockingbird. They learn about true courage from Mrs. Dubose and Atticus's unwinnable case. The children also understand the harmful effects of prejudice and the complexity of human behavior in their community, challenging Maycomb's societal norms.

Characters symbolizing a mockingbird in To Kill a Mockingbird

In To Kill a Mockingbird, Tom Robinson and Boo Radley symbolize mockingbirds. Both characters are innocent and mean no harm, yet they suffer due to the prejudices and injustices of society. Tom is a kind man wrongfully accused of a crime, and Boo is a reclusive neighbor misunderstood by the townspeople.

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