Tibullus Criticism
- Introduction
- Principal English Translations
- Gallus, Tibullus, Lygdamus, Sulpicia
- Erotic Teaching in Roman Elegy and the Greek Sources. Part I
- Horace and Tibullus
- Tibullus and Ovid: The Authorship of the Sulpicia and Cornutus Elegies in the Tibullan Corpus. Part I
- The Religious Life of Tibullus as Reflected in His Elegies
- Tibullus
- Pastoral Elements in Latin Elegy
- Tibullus, Lover of Nature
- On [Tibullus] III, 19 (IV, 13)
- Tibullus 2.6: A New Interpretation
- The Augustan Elegists: Ovid: Manilius
- The Theme of Time as a Poetic Device in the Elegies of Tibullus
- An Introduction to The Poems of Tibullus
- The Symbolic Structure of Tibullus Book I
- Simple Tibullus, or the Ruse of Style
- Tibullus 1.7: A Tribute to Messalla
- Tibullus: Elegy 1.3
- An introduction to Tibullus: A Commentary
- Is There a Religion of Love in Tibullus?
- Informing
- An introduction to Tibullus: Elegies
- Further Reading