Thomas Durfey Criticism
- Introduction
- Principal Works
- Pills to Purge Melancholy
- Introduction to Wit and Mirth: Or Pills to Purge Melancholy
- Introduction to Wonders in the Sun, Or, The Kingdom of The Birds (1706)
- ‘Persevering, Unexhausted Bard’: Tom D'Urfey
- Durfey's Revisions of The Richmond Heiress
- Introduction to Butler's Ghost
- Thomas D'Urfey and Three Centuries of Critical Response
- The Music for Durfey's Cinthia and Endimion
- Introduction to Thomas D'Urfey's The Richmond Heiress: An Edition with Introduction and Notes
- Introduction to Thomas D'Urfey's The Virtuous Wife: A Critical Edition
- ‘Power Like New Wine’: The Appetites of Leviathan and Durfey's Massaniello
- Thomas Durfey's A Fond Husband, Sex Comedies of the Late 1670s and Early 1680s, and the Comic Sublime
- ‘But speak every thing in its Nature’: Influence and Ethics in Durfey's Adaptations of Fletcher
- Metaphysic Wit: The Charm and Riddle of D'Urfey's Menippean Satire
- Further Reading