Think of an introductory sentence for a book summary like a topic sentence or thesis statement. It should be a strong, thought-provoking statement that tells your reader specifically what you will address. Since this is a summary and not an argumentative or persuasive essay , all you need to do...
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is decide on a dominant theme or character and write about that to begin with. In this case, it's Hazel Grace. One might also focus on how Hazel's life ties into the title of the book, which also creates a theme. The following are examples you might use:
1. John Green's The Fault in Our Stars centers around a cancer-fighting teenager who unexpectedly finds love and doesn't die.
2. It isn't Hazel's fault that she doesn't die and Gus does; but, the stars never seem to shine brightly for young love.
3. If stars really do drive a person's fate, then yes, Hazel's are to blame for Gus dying; but, they are also the reason she fell in love with him first.