abstract profiles of main characters Byron and Mark

That Was Then, This Is Now

by S. E. Hinton

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That Was Then, This Is Now Questions on Chapter 6

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That Was Then, This Is Now

Mark and Cathy's relationship is strained due to their conflicting personalities and values. Mark's impulsive and violent nature clashes with Cathy's thoughtful and sensitive demeanor. Their...

1 educator answer

That Was Then, This Is Now

M&M ran away because he was tired of his father's constant criticism about his long hair and poor grades, particularly in gym. Despite his mother's attempts to keep the peace, M&M felt...

1 educator answer

That Was Then, This Is Now

Mark's reaction to discovering his true parentage is disturbingly detached and unemotional. After his parents die in a violent confrontation, he pragmatically considers living with Bryon instead,...

1 educator answer