That Was Then, This Is Now Questions on Chapter 2
That Was Then, This Is Now
Why does the black woman tell her friends to kill at the end of chapter 2 in "That Was Then, This is Now"?
The black woman tells her friends to kill Mike because, despite him helping her earlier in a drugstore, she seeks to reverse the power dynamics she experienced. After feeling powerless among whites,...
That Was Then, This Is Now
Who did Bryon's mother ask him to visit in "That Was Then, This Is Now" and what did he learn?
Bryon's mother asks him to visit the boy in the hospital room next to hers. Bryon initially refuses, but Mark visits the boy, named Mike Chambers, who shares his story with Bryon. Mike was beaten by...
That Was Then, This Is Now
Where is Bryon's mother in Chapter 2 of That Was Then, This Is Now?
In Chapter 2, Bryon's mother is in the hospital. Bryon and Mark visit her, noting the neighborhood's support through food deliveries. She asks Bryon to visit a boy next door who has no visitors, but...
That Was Then, This Is Now
Why doesn't Bryon like the police in That Was Then, This is Now?
Bryon had negative experiences with police officers when he was younger, and this shaped his opinion of them.
That Was Then, This Is Now
How many pages are in Chapter 2 of "That Was Then, This Is Now?"
Chapter 2 of That Was Then, This Is Now has varying lengths depending on the edition. In the 2008 Speak edition, it spans 17 pages, from page 25 to 42. However, in the Google Books version, it...