Susan Sontag Criticism
Sontag, Susan (Vol. 195)
- Introduction
- Principal Works
- From Sensibility toward Sense
- Fair Game
- The Way We Live Now
- Practising Safe Language
- Review of AIDS and Its Metaphors
- Susan Sontag and the Practice of Modernism
- Education of the Heart
- Review of The Volcano Lover
- Wild Fancies
- Susan Sontag: The Art of Fiction CXLIII
- Remakes, Outtakes, and Updates in Susan Sontag's The Volcano Lover
- Reflections on a Cultural Revolution-VI: The New Sensibility
- For You O Democracy
- The Palpable Past-Intimate
- The Will & the Way
- Scene Stealer
- Fiction in Review
- Susan Sontag and the American Will
- Notes from the Pedestal
- Public Intellectual
- The Benefactor
- Writer in a Critical Condition
- Show Me
- Exposures
- The Other Eye of the Beholder
- Review of Regarding the Pain of Others
- Review of Regarding the Pain of Others
- Further Reading
- Sontag, Susan (Vol. 1)
- Miss Sontag's New Novel
- Sontag, Susan (Vol. 31)
- Sontag, Susan (Vol. 13)
- Sontag, Susan (Vol. 10)
Sontag, Susan (Vol. 105)
- Introduction
- Principal Works
- Susan Sontag's Cavalier Cavaliere
- A Moral Tale
- Cuckholded by Nelson
- Love and Death in the Shadow of Vesuvius
- That Hamilton Woman
- Lava Soap
- The Valkyrie of Lava
- That Sontag Woman
- Eruptions
- The Antique Collector's Guide
- Romance as Metaphor
- The Critic as Novelist
- Elitism
- A Festering Rage
- The Critic as Performance Artist: Susan Sontag's Writing and Gay Cultures
- Only the Possible: An Interview with Susan Sontag
- Suffering in Silence
- Premature Postmodern
- Further Reading