The Story of My Life Questions on Before Illness
The Story of My Life
What is Helen Keller's last memory before her illness?
Helen Keller's last memory before her illness includes hearing a robin's song and seeing shadows of leaves. After her illness, she remembered learning the word "water" and continued to say "wah-wah"...
The Story of My Life
How does The Story of My Life describe Helen Keller's state of mind before Anne Sullivan's arrival?
Helen Keller was understandably frustrated, angry, and depressed before Anne Sullivan arrived to help her. Unable to communicate with those in the world around her, she felt imprisoned. ...
The Story of My Life
Helen Keller's Childhood Before and After Illness
Helen Keller was born in 1880 in Alabama as a healthy baby but became deaf and blind at 19 months due to an illness, likely scarlet fever or meningitis. Despite the challenges posed by her...