Stargirl Questions on Hillari Kimble
Conflicts and their resolutions in Stargirl
In Stargirl, major conflicts include Stargirl's struggle with societal conformity and the tension between her and her classmates. Stargirl resolves the conflict by remaining true to herself, despite...
Why did Hillari tell Stargirl not to sing on her birthday in Jerry Spinelli's Stargirl? How did Stargirl keep her...
Hillari told Stargirl not to sing on her birthday because she found the idea of being serenaded in the lunchroom by someone like Stargirl, who dresses unconventionally, embarrassing. Stargirl...
What three things is Hillari Kimble famous for in Stargirl?
Hillari Kimble is famous for three things at Mica Area High School: her mouth, "The Hoax," and Wayne Parr. Her mouth is notable for her frequent complaints and outspoken nature. "The Hoax" refers to...
Who are the static characters in Stargirl?
One example of a static character in Stargirl is Hillari Kimble, a mean girl who goes to school with Leo and Stargirl.
In Stargirl, what did Hillari Kimble do to Stargirl and what was Stargirl's reaction?
Hillari Kimble slapped Stargirl at the Ocotillo Ball, accusing her of ruining everything. Stargirl's unexpected reaction was to gently kiss Hillari on the cheek, after which she left and was never...
As a character in Stargirl, how would you describe a specific event in a diary entry?
When pretending to be a character in Stargirl and writing a diary or letter about a specific event, choose a character (Leo, Kevin, Hillari, or Stargirl, for example) and imagine a scene from that...
What do people say about Stargirl when Leo is present?
When Leo is present, people at Mica Area High School often criticize Stargirl for her eccentricity and refusal to conform, with popular students like Hillari Kimble calling her "goofy" and "crazy."...
How would Leo Borlock from Stargirl describe Hillari's treatment of Stargirl at the Hot Seat taping?
When writing a diary entry from the perspective of Leo Borlock in Stargirl about how Hillari treats Stargirl at the taping of Hot Seat, follow the progression of his thoughts from dread through...
Are there any character foils in the novel Stargirl?
Hillari is a foil to Stargirl because her cruel actions emphasize how kind Stargirl is in contrast. For example, consider the scene at the dance where Hillari slaps Stargirl and Stargirl responds by...