Stargirl Questions on Archie


Archie in Stargirl serves as a mentor and wise figure, offering guidance and philosophical insights to both Stargirl and the other characters. His relationship with Stargirl is significant as he...

3 educator answers


Señor Saguaro is a giant cactus that serves as a conversation partner for Archie Brubaker, an eccentric retired teacher in Stargirl. Archie uses the plant as a source of wisdom, reflecting on nature...

1 educator answer


Archie serves as a mentor to Leo in Stargirl by Jerry Spinelli, offering wisdom and perspective that influence Leo's decisions. Archie's insights help Leo navigate his feelings for Stargirl and...

2 educator answers


For life after high school, Leo and Stargirl should receive advice that encourages personal growth while staying true to themselves. Leo could benefit from advice to embrace spontaneity and openness,...

1 educator answer