Student Question

Discuss Stargirl's portrayal as a Christic figure using biblical allusions.

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Stargirl is one of many characters in young adult literature that can be interpreted as a Christ-like figure. The parallels between the new girl in town and the Son of God are not hard to spot. Stargirl seemingly arrives out of nowhere, transforms the lives of just about everyone she meets, and then quickly moves on.

Like Jesus, Stargirl is subject to a fair amount of persecution, though thankfully it doesn't culminate in anything quite as painful or humiliating as the crucifixion. Despite her sunny, inoffensive outlook on life and the positive message she brings, a number of students take against her and regard her as something of a weirdo. There's something Christ-like about Stargirl's otherworldliness that seems to get on the nerves of many of her fellow students.

Stargirl's very name, the latest in a long line of names, is suggestive of the star of Bethlehem that brought the wise men to the baby Jesus. During his earthly ministry Jesus himself went under a number of different names, such as Messiah, Son of God, Son of Man, and so forth.

A suggestive Biblical allusion comes in the name of Mica, Arizona, the town in which the story is set. Micah was an Old Testament prophet who is believed by Christians to have foretold that the birth of the Messiah would take place in Bethlehem. We also have an allusion to Jesus' message of non-violence when Stargirl gives Hillari a gentle kiss on her cheek after Hillari insults and slaps her.

Finally, we have a fine Christian example of Stargirl's loving sacrifice. As Archie reminds Leo towards the end of the story, she

Gave up her self, for a while there. She loved you that much. What an incredibly lucky kid you were.

Once again, the parallels with Jesus Christ are hard to ignore.

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