Stanley Kunitz Criticism
Kunitz, Stanley (Vol. 148)
- Introduction
- Principal Works
- An Interview with Stanley Kunitz
- Stanley Kunitz: The Stubborn Middle Way
- Dazzling
- It Makes You Wonder
- Contour Lines
- The Ineluctable Signature of Stanley Kunitz
- Stanley Kunitz and the Transubstantial World
- Introduction: Life into Legend
- Stanley Kunitz Shares ‘Next-to-Last’ Poems, Essays with Readers
- Stanley Kunitz: ‘American Freethinker’
- Stanley Kunitz: The Poetic Adversary
- The Wild Braid of Creation
- An Interview with Stanley Kunitz
- Life between Scylla and Charybdis
- A Visit to the Poet's Studio
- Survivors' Stories
- The Poems of Stanley Kunitz Confront ‘The Great Simplicities’
- Stanley Kunitz
- To Turn Again
- The Ladybug and the Universe
- Short Reviews
- An Interview with Stanley Kunitz
- Lost Worlds: Midcentury Revisions of Modernism
- Stanley Kunitz, 95, Becomes Poet Laureate for a New Century
- Further Reading
- Kunitz, Stanley J(asspon) (Vol. 14)
- Kunitz, Stanley (Vol. 11)
- Kunitz, Stanley J(asspon) (Vol. 6)
Kunitz, Stanley (Jasspon)
- Introduction
- Principal Works
- Prelude to Adventure
- Passport to the War
- The Thirty Years' War
- The Generation of Auden
- The Poetry of Stanley Kunitz: An Introductory Essay
- Man with a Leaf in His Head
- 'Imagine Wrestling with an Angel': An Interview with Stanley Kunitz
- A review of Poems of Stanley Kunitz: 1928–1978
- A review of Poems of Stanley Kunitz: 1928–1978
- The Layers
- An interview with Stanley Kunitz
- A Visionary Poet at Ninety
- Further Reading