Other Resources
Shakespeare's Language Helper - Handout for Students
by Jennifer Levi
From Gibson, Rex. Teaching Shakespeare. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, UK, 2005. Some things we know about Shakespeare’s language and use of language are listed below along with... -
Shakespeare & Twelfth Night project options
by Ashley Robinson
A Midsummer Night's Dream - Test 1-Act 1
by Tina Bishop, M.A.
Shakespeare the Novelist
by Jared Jones
Shakespeare children's book
by Pip Tinning
Shakespeare Unit Plan
by Leah Morrow
WRITTEN UNIT PLAN (COURSE) GENERAL OVERVIEW Title: Introduction to Shakespeare and Romeo and Juliet Class/Subject/Grade Level(s): English/10th grade Dates of Unit: 20 days Unit Goal(s): A. Describe... -
Shakespearean Conventions
by Susan Hurn
Shakespeare Aloud Project
by Amy Miller, M.S.