The Second Coming Criticism
- Introduction
- Image and Idea in Yeats's The Second Coming
- Yeats's 'Second Coming': An Experiment in Analysis
- Vision and 'Responsibility'
- The 'Rough Beast' and Historical Necessity: A New Consideration of Yeats's 'The Second Coming'
- What Rough Beast?: Yeats's 'The Second Coming' and A Vision
- 'The Second Coming' and The Waste Land': Capstones of the Western Civilization Course
- On Straightening Out Yeats's 'Rough Beast'
- Yeats's The Second Coming
- The Second Coming': Coming Second; Coming in a Second
- Yeats's The Second Coming
- Re-envisioning Yeats's 'The Second Coming': Desmond O'Grady and the Charles River
- Yeats's 'The Second Coming'
- What Rough Beast?: Yeats, Nietzsche and Historical Rhetoric in The Second Coming
- Further Reading