Student Question

How many bones are in the human body?

Quick answer:

There are 206 bones in the adult human body.

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The skeleton of an adult human is made up of 206 bones of many different shapes and sizes. Added together, your bones make up about 15% of your body weight. Newborn babies are actually born with many more bones than this (around 300), but many bones grow together, or fuse, as babies become older. Some...

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bones are long and thick, like your thigh bones. Others are thin, flat, and wide, like your shoulder blades.

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The human body has 206 bones.

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There are approximately 206 bones in the average human adult skeleton, but it can vary based on the degree of fusion between various bones in the body.

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There are 206 bones in an normal adult skeleton and about 300 in an infants.  The difference comes from the fact the some bones fuse over time into a single bone.  For example, an infants paired frontal, periatal, and occipital plates fuse to create single skull.

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How many bones and muscles are in the human body?

The human body does have 206 bones, however, if the sternum is counted as three then the human body would have 208 bones. When people have an abnormal number of bones it is usually due to vertebrae or ribs.

There are two systems of bones and these are the axial skeleton which is the body and the appendicular skeleton which are the limbs.

The number of muscles in the body depends on who you ask. The previous post is accurate. The reason there is some controversy over how many muscles there are in the human body is due to the fact that many experts argue about what constitutes a muscle.

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How many bones and muscles are in the human body?

The adult human body contains 206 bones. This may vary from person to person, but as a rule, most people have 206.  At birth a newborn baby has over 300 bones in its body. The difference in numbers is due to the fusion of bones as an individual develops.

Most sites suggest that there are approximitly 639-640 skeletal muscles in the human body. There is some controversy regarding the number of muscles in the human body.  This is due to difficulty in determining how muscles are grouped and which are distinct muscles.  Some people suggest that there are between 656 and 850 muscles in the human body.

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How many bones are there in a human body?  

There are 206 bones in the body of an adult human being, assuming the body is complete and whole. Interestingly, we are born with a larger number of bones, but many of them fuse together after birth. Some of the readily identifiable bones in our body include the skull, bones in our hands and legs, and the spinal cord. Together, all the bones in our body form the skeleton and provide structure and support. 

The bones in a human body can be divided into four different types: long bones, short bones, flat bones and irregular bones. Long bones, such as arm and leg bones, permit movement. Short bones, such as wrists and ankles, provide a large degree of freedom in movement. Flat bones include skull bones and ribs. Bones not placed in any of these three categories are considered irregular bones.

Hope this helps.  

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How many bones are in the body?

There are 208 bones in the adult human body. We are born with more but these extra bones fuse together during childhood. Some sources will say that we have a slightly different number of bones in the body but this fluctuation is because of different counting methods that are used.

Here is a breakdown:

  • The skull contains of 28 bones which consist of cranial, facial, and ear bones.
  • There is one bone in the neck.
  • There are 26 vertebrae which consist of cervical, thorax, lumbar, and the sacrum and the coccyx.
  • There are a total of 30 bones in each of our arms and legs.
  • The hips have 2 bones.
  • The pectoral girdle has 4 bones.
  • There are 24 vertebral ribs, plus the sternum (3).
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How many bones are in the human bod?

No, there are far fewer than that number in the human body. An adult human has 206 bones, though at birth a baby has as many as 350 bones, many of which eventually fuse together as the child grows to adulthood. More than half of the human body's bones can be found in the hands and feet. Occasionally, the rare human exceeds the number of 206, since there is documentation of adults with extra ribs and vertebra. The longest bone in the body is the femur, which measures approximately one-quarter of the individual's height. The smallest bone is the ear stirrup, measuring less than one-eighth of an inch. Interestingly, humans and giraffes have the same number of neck bones.

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How many bones are in the human bod?

Here's an enotes link that tells you that we actually have 208 bones in our bodies...

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