The Scarlet Pimpernel

by Baroness Orczy

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The Scarlet Pimpernel Chapter 7 Quiz

In 'The Secret Orchard,' we finally meet Armand St. Just, Lady Blakeney's brother, and we also learn the reason for the strain between Sir Percy and Lady Blakeney.

  1. "They are going too far, Armand," she said vehemently. Who is speaking here and what is the character referring to?

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  2. Was Armand older or younger than Marguerite?

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  3. "...but each now seemed to have a secret orchard, into which the other dared not penetrate." What does this mean?

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  4. "It was too late to talk of circumstances..." What does Lady Blakeney mean by this?

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  5. " I sometimes wish you had not so many lofty virtues...I assure you little sins are far less dangerous and uncomfortable..." Who is speaking and why does the speaker say this?

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  6. Did Armand understand his sister's sorrow?

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  7. Lady Blakeney did not marry Sir Blakeney for his wealth. Why then did she marry him?

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