by Baroness Orczy
In 'The League Of The Scarlet Pimpernel,' we are introduced to more of the background story of the Comtesse's family. Towards the end of the chapter, Sir Percy Blakeney arrives at the inn.
"I trust you absolutely, and I know that you will bring my dear father safely to England, just as you brought us today." Who spoke these words and to whom was it spoken?
Who receives a paper with the symbol of the Scarlet Pimpernel every time a royalist manages to escape to England?
Who also believed that the Englishmen had a far higher motive than sport?
Why did the Comtesse not believe that the Englishmen put their lives on the line for the French royalists merely for the sake of sport?
Why did Sir Andrew Ffoulkes not believe the Comtesse that a certain character had committed such an act of betrayal against the Comtesse's cousin?
Whose arrival was announced at the end of the chapter?
Who did the Comtesse especially detest for betraying her cousin and all his family to the guillotine?
Why was the Comtesse distressed regarding her husband?