Samuel Beckett Criticism
- Introduction
- Beckett, Samuel (Vol. 3)
- Beckett, Samuel (Vol. 1)
- Samuel Beckett: A Critical Study
- Beckett, Samuel (Vol. 6)
- Irony and the Destructive Fulfillment of Theater
- Beckett, Samuel (Vol. 9)
- Beckett, Lowry and the Anti-Novel
- Fables from the Dark
- Beckett, Samuel (Vol. 10)
- A Writer at the Mercy of Memory
- Comedy of Ignorance
Beckett, Samuel (Vol. 11)
- Introduction
- The Beckett Hero
- 'Molloy' or the Quest for Meaninglessness: A Global Interpretation
- 'What's It Meant to Mean?': An Approach to Beckett's Theatre
- 'Coloured Images' in the 'Black Dark': Samuel Beckett's Later Fiction
- Dimensions of Play in the Literature of Samuel Beckett
- Maureen Howard
- Hugh Kenner
- Leonard Michaels
- Samuel Beckett's 'Company'
Beckett, Samuel (Contemporary Literary Criticism)
- Introduction
- Principal Works
- Endgame
- Endgame
- Samuel Beckett: A Critical Study
- The Theatre of the Absurd
- Hamm and Clov's Relationship in Endgame
- Ending the Waiting Game: A Reading of Beckett's 'Endgame'
- Jack MacGowran with Richard Toscan (interview date July-September 1973)
- The Making of Modern Drama
- Endgame
- Just Play: Beckett's Theater
- Beckett's Use of Narrative in Endgame
- Endgame
- Endgame
- The Theme of Adoption in Endgame
- Beckett's Use of Space in Endgame
- Further Reading
- Samuel Beckett: 'Ill Seen Ill Said'
Beckett, Samuel (Vol. 14)
- Introduction
- Black Humor: The Pockets of Lemuel Gulliver and Samuel Beckett
- The Artist as Fiction: An Aesthetics of Failure in Samuel Beckett's Trilogy
- Beckett Piece by Piece
- Samuel Beckett
- Books Considered: 'Collected Poems in English and French'
- Samuel Beckett: Bible Reader
- Winnie's Golden Treasury: The Use of Quotation in 'Happy Days'
- Got It at Last, My Legend: Homage to Samuel Beckett
- Beckett, Samuel (Vol. 18)
- The Voice of Childhood and Great Age
Beckett, Samuel (Drama Criticism)
- Introduction
- Principal Works
Criticism: General Commentary
- The Theatre of Samuel Beckett
- Reflections on Samuel Beckett's Plays
- Existence on Stage: Samuel Beckett
- Play and Player in the Plays of Samuel Beckett
- ‘What's It Meant to Mean?’ An Approach to Beckett's Theatre
- ‘What? Where?’ Presence and Repetition in Beckett's Theatre
- Dead Heads: Damnation-Narration in the ‘Dramaticules.’
- Opening Lines: Reading Beckett Backwards
- Beckett and the Modern/Postmodern Debate
- ‘The Rapture of Vertigo’: Beckett's Turning-Point
- Beckett Out of His Mind: The Theatre of the Absurd
- Criticism: En Attendant Godot (Waiting For Godot)
- Criticism: Fin De Partie (Endgame)
- Criticism: Spiel (Play)
- That Time
- Freedom and Cultural Location in Beckett's Eleuthéria
- Further Reading
Beckett, Samuel (Short Story Criticism)
- Introduction
- Principal Works
- Paf, Hop, Bing and Ping
- The Short Fiction
- The Turning Point at Last: Beckett's ‘First Love’ There is a Choice of Images
- Sublime Supplements: Beckett and the ‘Fizzling Out’ of Meaning
- Joyce, Beckett, and the Short Story in Ireland
- Beckett, Joyce, and Irish Writing: The Example of Beckett's ‘Dubliners’ Story
- Speaking the Same Language: Samuel Beckett, Jacques Derrida and Vice Versa
- Nothing Doing: The Repudiation of Action in Beckett's More Pricks than Kicks
- From Unabandoned Works Samuel Beckett's Short Prose
- Playing with the Cries
- An Interpretive Dialogue: Beckett's ‘First Love’ and Bakhtin's Categories of Meaning
- Beckett's ‘First Love’ and Cynical Philosophy
- A Psychoanalytical Approach to Beckett's ‘First Love’
- ‘The Existence I Ascribe’: Memory, Invention, and Autobiography in Beckett's Fiction
- Beckett and the Apophatic in Selected Shorter Texts
- ‘Echo's Bones’ and Beckett's Disembodied Voices
- The Shared Aesthetic of Jack Yeats and Beckett: More Pricks than Kicks
- Beckett and the Joycean Short Story
- The ‘Moreness’ or ‘Lessness’ of ‘Natural’ Narratology: Samuel Beckett's ‘Lessness’ Reconsidered
- Further Reading
- Light, Sound, Movement, and Action in Beckett's 'Rockaby'
- At the Edge of Existence
Beckett, Samuel (Twentieth-Century Literary Criticism)
- Introduction
- Principal Works
- Self-Translation as Self-Confrontation: Beckett's Mercier et/and Camier
- An Endgame of Aesthetics: Beckett as Essayist
- The Pornographic Imagination in All Strange Away.
- Disconnected Voices, Displaced Bodies: The Dismembered Couple in Beckett's Krapp's Last Tape, Happy Days, and Play
- Beckett's Dream: More Niente than Bel
- Enduring Recurrence: Samuel Beckett's Nihilistic Poetics
- Translating Beckett's Translations
- Shapes of Suffering: Image/Narrative/Impromptu in Beckett's Ohio Impromptu
- The Chess Metaphor in Samuel Beckett's Endgame
- Matters of Memory in Krapp's Last Tape and Not I.
- Shakespeare and Beckett Revisited: A Phenomenology of Theater
- Happy Days: Beckett's Rescript of Lady Chatterley's Lover.
- Beckett's Play, in extensor.
- ‘Ways of Being We’: The Subject as Method, Method as Ritual in Watt.
- Placing the Unplaceable: The Dilemmas of Samuel Beckett's Fiction
- Beckett's Measures: Principles of Pleasure in Molloy and First Love
- Further Reading
- Three Short Plays by Samuel Beckett
- Songs at Twilight
- Ohio Impromptu, Catastrophe, and What Where
- Back to Beckett
- A master's More of Less