Rules of the Road

by Joan Bauer

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Rules of the Road unfolds in Gladstone's Shoe Stores located in cities stretching from Chicago to Dallas. The narrative follows Jenna, Mrs. Gladstone, and eventually, Alice Lovett, as they journey together. Jenna drives Mrs. Gladstone's large Cadillac, where she does much of her introspective thinking. She draws parallels between the Rules of the Road and the rules of life, gaining a deeper understanding of her identity. The tale starts in Chicago at Gladstone's Shoe Store and concludes in Chicago at the Lincoln Park Zoo's Rookery, where Jenna encounters her father.

Rules of the Road is a modern tale about a young girl confronting challenges. With persistence and support from her employer, she overcomes these challenges, proving herself to be a genuine survivor.

Literary Qualities

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Rules of the Road delves into unconventional family dynamics, vividly presenting both their positive and negative sides. Bauer writes from Jenna Boiler's first-person perspective, allowing readers to truly experience her happiness, sorrows, victories, and hardships. The inclusion of humor by Bauer not only lightens the narrative but also enriches the development of Jenna's character. The book cleverly uses a comparison between the Rules of the Road and life's rules, helping both Jenna and readers realize that our decisions carry consequences.

While the book maintains a sympathetic and occasionally serious tone, Bauer introduces enough humor to keep readers entertained. The storyline possesses an immediacy that communicates authenticity and sincerity. Jenna, a teenager, yearns for adventure and embarks on a cross-country journey to Dallas. She hopes to escape her responsibilities and issues but comes to terms with the reality that one cannot simply run away from problems. By confronting her challenges, Jenna grows stronger, learning to overcome adversity.

Social Sensitivity

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Bauer tackles a societal issue in Rules of the Road. Alcoholism wreaks havoc on families, friendships, and future prospects. The characters of Jenna, her father, her mother, and Harry Bender illustrate various ways people cope with alcoholism. Additionally, the narrative introduces organizations that support alcoholics and their families.

Another challenging topic, divorce, also has a significant presence in Rules of the Road. Children and teenagers respond differently to divorce and adjusting to a single-parent household. Like many American teens, Jenna faces the challenges of divorce, such as taking on additional responsibilities for her younger sister and sometimes acting more like a mother than an older sibling. Despite these challenges, Jenna's family generally presents a positive example.

For Further Reference

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Bauer, Joan. Website: Joan Bauer's personal website offers an autobiography, various articles, an email address (, and sections that are still under development.

——. Personal communication with the author via email ( Excerpts from this correspondence are included in the biography section of this critique.

——. "Humor, Seriously." ALA Book Links (July 1997): 9-12. Bauer explores the role of humor in her writing, using examples from her books to demonstrate her skill in the genre.

——. "Sticks: Between the Lines." ALAN Review (Winter 1996). Bauer provides insights into her book, Sticks, sharing her personal passion for the game of pool and other details about herself.

Review of Rules of the Road. Booklist (February 1, 1998). The reviewer offers a summary of the book along with a positive recommendation, highlighting the protagonists' introspective moments and illustrating the impact of alcoholism on families.

Review of Rules of the Road. Horn Book (May-June 1998): 339. The reviewer praises the story for its abundant humor and valuable shopping tips for shoe enthusiasts.

Review of Rules of the Road. Kirkus Reviews (January 1, 1998). The reviewer discusses key story elements and the notable strengths of the main character.




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