Benvolio in Romeo and Juliet Quiz

Ben-who-lio? BENVOLIO. Although this character is not a major one in the play, he does have something different to say and as such, his role should be examined. Benvolio offers another way to approach situations when others are quick to judge and act. Understanding Benvolio's character can help you see how rash actions are often not the best ones. Take our exclusive quiz and see how well you understand Benvolio's words and motivations. Each of our questions is ranked so that you can understand the level of difficulty and see how your score compares with others who have also taken this quiz. Give it a try!

  1. How does Benvolio try to help Romeo's parents?

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  2. True or False: Benvolio often acts as a peace-maker

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  3. Why does Benvolio want Romeo to go to the Capulet ball?

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  4. What suggestion does Benvolio make to Tybalt and Mercutio?

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  5. How is Benvolio related to Romeo?

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