Browse our comprehensive Romeo and Juliet lesson plan in addition to teacher-contributed activities. Romeo and Juliet learning objectives include identifying the common themes of the story and how elements of love and hate interact, both in the storyline of Romeo and Juliet and in the wordplay of the text.
While all our lesson plans are geared toward a high school English literature class, teachers find great success teaching our full Romeo and Juliet lesson plan in grade 9. Romeo and Juliet lesson plans are broken down by section, with popular lessons and activities for Acts 3 and 4, particularly the famous balcony scene. Our lesson plans encourage students to become engaged in the readings and develop their own analysis of the meaning behind Romeo and Juliet.
Premium Lesson Plans and Activities
Romeo and Juliet eNotes Lesson Plan
by eNotes
Learning Objectives: By the end of this unit, students should be able to identify the primary themes in Romeo and Juliet; explain the common roots of love and hate and of sex and violence, and... -
Romeo and Juliet Literary Devices Lesson Plan
by eNotes
Constructing Love with Metaphors in Romeo and Juliet, Act 2, Scene 2: This lesson plan asks students to analyze the lovers’ first exchange in the famous balcony scene in order to determine how... -
Romeo and Juliet eNotes Teaching Guide
by eNotes
So you’re going to teach William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet, a classic drama that has been a mainstay in English classes for generations. Whether it’s the first or hundredth time you escort... -
Romeo and Juliet eNotes Curriculum Plan
by eNotes
Ask students to suggest words that describe the character traits of Romeo and Mercutio. By this point in the play, students should be able to see that Romeo is a romantic and a dreamer,... -
Romeo and Juliet on Film Lesson Plan
by eNotes
Through viewing George Cukor’s, Franco Zeffirelli’s, and Baz Luhrmann’s film versions of Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet, students will see how one director interprets the text of the play. ... -
Romeo and Juliet Reading Comprehension Quiz
by Tessie Barbosa
This quiz contains reading comprehension questions for Romeo and Juliet. -
Romeo and Juliet Character Analysis Lesson Plan
by Vince Magana
Mercutio and the Death of the Festive Clown: This lesson plan focuses on how Mercutio’s character underscores the turning point between comedy and tragedy in Romeo and Juliet. Students will... -
Romeo and Juliet Act 3 Scene 5 Dialogue Analysis Activity
by Tessie Barbosa
Through dialogue, playwrights reveal a character’s motivations, personality traits, and relationships with other characters. Diction (word choice) plays an essential role in writing dialogue...
Other Resources
Romeo and Juliet Act I Study Guide
by Nichole Paul
Romeo and Juliet Alternate Ending Writing Assignment
by lffinj
Romeo and Juliet: Characterization Activity
by Leslie Wannamaker
Romeo and Juliet: Unit Test
by Leslie Wannamaker
True of False: Shakespeare was born in 1564. Shakespeare married late in his life to a woman much younger than he. Shakespeare wrote the epitaph for his tombstone shortly before his death in... -
Romeo and Juliet Literary Terms
by Nichole Paul
Romeo and Juliet Act V Study Guide
by Nichole Paul
Themes, Symbols, Motifs Romeo and Juliet
by Nichole Paul
Romeo and Juliet Act II Study Guide
by Nichole Paul
Romeo & Juliet Powerpoint
by Erin Graham
Your Playbook You will turn in your playbook at the end of the unit. It is required in order to pass—it’s part of the final exam. Always bring your entire playbook to class. If you lose your... -
Romeo and Juliet Act II Prologue Workheet
by Hilah Marca
Introduction to Shakespeare and Romeo and Juliet Power Point
by Camile Betances
Who is Shakespeare? Baptized April 26, 1564 – died April 23, 1616 An English poet and playwright widely regarded as the greatest writer of the English language, and the world's preeminent... -
Romeo and Juliet Act IV Study Guide
by Nichole Paul
Romeo and Juliet Study Guide - DETAILED Scene-by-Scene Guide with Follow Along Activities Throughout
by Jennifer Levi
ACT ONE -SCENE ONE Between what two families does the feud exist? What decree does the Prince make after the street brawl? What advice does Benvolio give Romeo about Rosaline? ACT ONE -SCENE... -
Tracing the role of Fate in Romeo & Juliet
by Erin Graham
Romeo and Juliet Act I Prologue Analysis
by Hilah Marca
Romeo and Juliet Exam
by Matt Copeland, M.S.
True/False: Write the word “true” for correct statements and the word “false” for incorrect statements Lord Capulet tells Paris to woo Juliet and invites him to a party. Romeo agrees to go to the... -
Romeo and Juliet Act III Study Guide
by Nichole Paul
Romeo and Juliet: Acts 1-5 Quizzes
by Leslie Wannamaker
Romeo and Juliet Exam
by Nichole Paul
If Romeo and Juliet Appeared on the Jerry Springer Show
by Matt Copeland, M.S.
Romeo and Juliet: Writing Prompts for Act 1 Pre-Reading
by eNotes
Homework: Writing Prompts for Act 1 Pre-Reading This exercise is designed to help your students begin to think critically about information they may already possess (or think that they possess)... -
Literary Devices and Fig Lang: The Balcony Scene
by Charlene Hennika
Romeo and Juliet Characters
by Nichole Paul
Romeo and Juliet: Study Guide
by Leslie Wannamaker
Imagery in Romeo & Juliet, IV, iii
by Erin Graham
Act I Scene 5
by Nichole Paul
Poetic Elements in Shakespeare
by Charlene Hennika
Shakespeare/Elizabethan England Powerpoint
by Erin Graham
SHAKESPEARE & ELIZABETHAN ENGLAND Elizabethan England Known as the Early Modern period or the English Renaissance (rebirth) Queen Elizabeth I was an anomaly (strange, out of place) of the time... -
Filmstrip Project for Romeo & Juliet
by Erin Graham
Romeo and Juliet Types of Love
by Camile Betances
What’s On for Today and Why: After the students have read the first two acts of Romeo and Juliet, they are ready to examine one of the major themes of the play: love kills. When the students first... -
Romeo and Juliet final essay
by katemschultz
Romeo and Juliet Act I Reading Guide
by Hilah Marca
Romeo & Juliet Study Guide
by Erin Graham
Romeo & Juliet Exam
by Erin Graham
TRUE / FALSE: Write “O” for false and “T” for true. All other answers will be marked incorrect. Shakespeare’s primary reason for writing plays was to earn a living. Women were allowed to perform on... -
Romeo and Juliet: Reading Notes
by Leslie Wannamaker
Romeo and Juliet Review Questions Act II, III, IV, V
by Camile Betances
Romeo & Juliet Act II Review Instead of returning home, where does Romeo go after the ball? To what does Romeo compare Juliet’s beauty? Why does Juliet ask Romeo not to swear by the moon?... -
Quote Exam Romeo and Juliet
by Nichole Paul
Five Types of Irony in Romeo and Juliet
by Michael Stultz, M.A.
Romeo and Juliet Jeopardy
by Sandra Flannery
Romeo & Juliet Final Project
by lffinj
Romeo and Juliet Study Questions Act I, Scene 2
by Lina La Rocca
Romeo and Juliet: Introducing Shakespeare PowerPoint
by Leslie Wannamaker
Flim Questions for Romeo and Juliet (1996 version)
by Camile Betances
Romeo and Juliet: Movie Viewing Guide~ Baz Luhrmann Version Act I: What is “wrong” with the prologue of the movie? What is noticeably different about the setting of this version of the play?... -
Romeo and Juliet Lesson Plan 1 (9th Grade Day 65)
by Noelle Thompson
Romeo and Juliet Study Questions Act I, Scene 1
by Lina La Rocca
Balcony Scene Romeo and Juliet
by xbbe
Monologues and Soliloquies in Romeo and Juliet
by Camile Betances
Monologues: Act I, Scene I, Prince, 71-94, Scolds the Capulets and Montagues forfighting in Verona’s streets. Act I, Scene II, Capulet, 13-37, Gives speech to Paris about marrying Juliet Act I,... -
Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet
by Nichole Paul
Introducing The Play romeo & Juliet
by cogzy
Romeo and Juliet Jeopardy Review Game
by Courtney Fetters
Essay Questions Romeo and Juliet
by Nichole Paul
Romeo and Juliet Act III Vocabulary Quiz
by Nichole Paul
Romeo and Juliet: The Prologue
by Erin Mankowski
Romeo and Juliet Newspaper Project
by Sandra Flannery
Romeo and Juliet Quiz Acts III and IV
by Camile Betances
Romeo and Juliet : Quiz Acts III and IV Directions: Please complete the following on your own paper!!! Label this as seen above! Note: Some questions will require more than one sentence to answer.... -
Romeo and Juliet Lesson Plan 7 (9th Grade Day 71)
by Noelle Thompson
Romeo and Juliet: Modernizing Act IV, Scene I
by Adrienne Marsh
Romeo and Juliet anticipation guide
by katemschultz
Romeo & Juliet Class Masquerade
by Erin Graham
Romeo and Juliet Lesson Plan 2 (9th Grade Day 66)
by Noelle Thompson
Romeo and Juliet Act 1 Quiz
by Ginger Harbin
What are the FULL names of the two main characters? What city does Romeo and Juliet take place? What does Paris ask of Lord Capulet? What does Lord Capulet say? Why? What does this tell you... -
Romeo and Juliet Act V Quiz
by Nichole Paul
Admit Pass (Study Sheet)
by Ginger Harbin
List the two main characters of R&J. List the two main families in the play. Circle the correct location of the play. Atlanta Venice Verona Montegue Capulet Who is the author of the play? What... -
Romeo and Juliet: Modernizing Act IV, Scene I Handout
by Adrienne Marsh
Romeo and Juliet Play Map
by Erin Graham
Romeo & Juliet: Exploring the use of "night" in III, ii
by Erin Graham
Romeo and Juliet Lesson Plan 4 (9th Grade Day 68)
by Noelle Thompson
Romeo and Juliet Quiz Acts I and II
by Camile Betances
Directions: Please complete the following on your own paper!!! Label this as seen above! Note: Some questions will require more than one sentence to answer. Read the question and answer it fully!... -
Romeo & Juliet Act I Quiz
by Michael Stultz, M.A.
Overview Romeo and Juliet
by Nichole Paul
Romeo and Juliet Quiz-- Act II
by Lina La Rocca
Romeo and Juliet Review
by Nichole Paul
Romeo and Juliet Final Exam
by Tina Bishop, M.A.
Romeo & Juliet Act IV Essay Outline
by Erin Graham
Romeo & Juliet: two project options
by Ashley Robinson
Shakespearean Theater and Romeo and Juliet Introductory Notes
by Laura Hall
Romeo and Juliet Final Project
by Laura Hall
Romeo and Juliet Study Questions, Act I, Scene 3
by Lina La Rocca
Romeo and Juliet Lesson Plan 6 (9th Grade Day 70)
by Noelle Thompson
Romeo and Juliet Act III quiz
by Nichole Paul
Romeo and Juliet Quiz Act V
by Camile Betances
Romeo and Juliet : Quiz Act V Directions: Please complete the following on your own paper!!! Label this as seen above! Note: Some questions will require more than one sentence to answer. Read the... -
Romeo & Juliet Act I Study Guide
by Michael Stultz, M.A.
Romeo and Juliet Act III Quiz
by Nichole Paul
Myspace Page: Romeo and Juliet Character Study
by Charlene Hennika
Features of Film in the modern Romeo and Juliet
by Missy Nichols, M.A.
Romeo & Juliet Youtube Comparison Mini-Project
by Michael Stultz, M.A.
Romeo and Juliet Act 1 Quiz
by Nichole Paul
Romeo and Juliet Lesson Plan 5 (9th Grade Day 69)
by Noelle Thompson
Romeo & Juliet Speech Project
by Michael Stultz, M.A.
Romeo and Juliet Act IV Vocabulary Quiz
by Nichole Paul
Romeo and Juliet ACT IV study Guide
by Nichole Paul
Romeo and Juliet Act I scene v, and Act II scene i
by Tracy Pisano
Act 1, scene 5 Is Romeo or Juliet’s family having the party? Why doesn’t Tybalt attack Romeo when he realizes Romeo is at the party? What positive comment does Lord Capulet make about Romeo?... -
Romeo & Juliet: Study Guide for I, i
by Erin Graham
Romeo and Juliet Study Questions, Act I, Scene 4
by Lina La Rocca
Romeo and Juliet Comprehensive Final
by Ginger Harbin
What are the names of the two feuding families when the play opens? a. Tybalt and Capulet b. Montague and Capulet c. Montague and Benvolio d. Romeo and Juliet What house did Romeo come from? a.... -
Promptbook Performance of Romeo & Juliet
by Erin Graham
Romeo and Juliet Act IV Quiz
by Nichole Paul
Romeo and Juliet Act I Vocabulary Quiz
by Nichole Paul
Romeo and Juliet Act II Vocabulary Quiz
by Nichole Paul
Romeo and Juliet Act IV quiz
by Nichole Paul
Showing 1-100 of 105