Robert Dodsley Criticism
- Introduction
- Principal Works
- Life of Dodsley
- Theatrical Work, 1737-1749
- Introduction to An Essay on Fable
- The Museum, the ‘Super-Excellent Magazine.’
- ‘More Blood than Brains’: Robert Dodsley and the Cleone Affair
- Robert Dodsley as Editor
- Robert Dodsley: The First Printer and Stationer to the Society
- Introduction to The Correspondence of Robert Dodsley 1733-1764
- Dodsley's Collection of Poems and the Ghost of Pope: The Politics of Literary Reputation
- Apology: ‘Dodsley's life should be written’
- Trafficking in the Muse: Dodsley's Collection of Poems and the Question of Canon
- Dodsley's Oeconomy of Human Life: A Partial Checklist, 1750-1800