Robert Burton Criticism
- Introduction
- Principal Works
- Boswell: The Ominous Years, 1774-1776
- Thraliana: The Diary of Mrs. Hester Lynch Thrale (Later Mrs. Piozzi), 1776-1809
- The Life, Letters and Journals of Lord Byron
- Pillow-Smoothing Authors, With a Prelude on Night-Caps, and Comments on an Old Writer
- Burton's Anatomy of Melancholy and the Structure of Paradox
- Robert Burton: The Anatomy of Democritus, Jr.
- The Anatomy of Melancholy as Literature
- Thou Thyself Art the Subject of My Discourse: Democritus Jr. to the Reader
- This New Science
- Elizabethan Psychology and Burton's Anatomy of Melancholy
- The Satirist Satirized: Burton's Democritus Jr.
- Anatomy as Reason and Madness
- Applied Divinity: The Anatomy as Priestly Counsel
- Robert Burton's Geography of Melancholy
- Burton's Use of praeteritio in Discussing Same-Sex Relationships
- Shapeless Elegance: Robert Burton's Anatomy of Knowledge
- Encyclopedism in Anatomy of Melancholy.
- Further Reading