Robert Burns Criticism
Burns, Robert (Vol. 29)
- Introduction
- Principal Works
- Poet of the Parish
- Burns: A Mouse and a Louse
- The Christis Kirk Tradition: Its Evolution in Scots Poetry to Burns, Part IV
- Burns's Comedy of Romantic Love
- Explaining the Obvious
- Poet: Kilmarnock Edition
- Robert Burns's Declining Fame
- Don't Look Back: Something Might Be Gaining on You
- Robert Burns
- The Satires: Underground Poetry
- Love and the Lassies
- 'That Bards are Second-Sighted is Nae Joke': The Orality of Burns's World and Work
- Burns and Narrative
- 'Tam o' Shanter': The Truth of the Tale
- Point of View in Some Poems of Burns
- Spontaneity and the Strategy of Transcendence in Burns's Kilmarnock Verse-Epistles
- Words, Music, and Emotion in the Love Songs of Robert Burns
- Dialect and Diction in Burns
- Robert Burns (1759-96)
- Further Reading
Burns, Robert (Vol. 40)
- Introduction
- Principal Works
- Robert Burns
- The Background of Burns: Eighteenth-Century Scotland
- The 'Annus Mirabilis,' 1785
- Light from Heaven: Love in British Romantic Literature
- The Language of Burns
- The Early Period: Burns's Conscious Collecting of Folksongs
- Burns and Philosophy
- Robert Burns: 'Heaven-taught ploughman'?
- Apotheosis
- Further Reading