The Ramayana Criticism
- Introduction
- Principal Works
- Further Reading
- Ramayana— An Instrument of Historical Contact and Cultural Transmission between India and Asia
- Sources of the Lao Ramayana Tradition
- Ramayana in South East Asian Life
- Heroic Sublimity in Valmiki's Ramayana
- Three Hundred Ramayanas: Five Examples and Three Thoughts on Translation
- Rāmāyana, Rāma Jātaka, and Ramakien: A Comparative Study of Hindu and Buddhist Traditions
- Poetic Works and Their Worlds
- Rejecting Sita: Indian Responses to the Ideal Man's Cruel Treatment of His Ideal Wife
- Using Homer to Teach The Ramayana
- The Politics of Telugu Ramayanas: Colonialism, Print Culture, and Literary Movements