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Psychology and Cognitive Sciences Questions and Answers
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What is the definition of cognitive task?
Discuss Maslow’s concept of conative, aesthetic, cognitive, and neurotic needs
Color effects on personality. The characteristics of the color blue (honesty, passive, peaceful, sentimental) can be depictions of one's personality. Write about a time in your life when one of these characteristics became particularly apparent.
Elaborate on the five-factor model of trait personality theory.
How can children be helped emotionally?
Counseling is a necessary application of psychology to modern society. Discuss with examples.
How might you use the levels of processing effect to explain how a child learns the English alphabet?
Explain in detail the difference between Schizophrenia, Bipolar Disorder and Dissociative Identity Disorder.
Discuss the different errors involved in attribution. Attribution: explanation of causes of behavior.
How can you distinguish between dementia, delirium, and amnesiatic disorders?
What is the definition of psychosocial task?
What role does memories serve in our lives?
In contrast to Freud, on what did Erikson place greater emphesis?
Describe the stages of psychosocial development, and the interaction of opposites, the basic strengths and pathologies of each stage.
Crystal received her SAT score from her counselor. She scored two standard deviations above the mean. What does this indicated about Crystal's score?
I need an idea to create an experiment that violates a nonverbal social norm.
major influence of industrial psychologymajor influence of industrial psychology?
Eexplain how classical conditioning may account for the development of a specific phobia Making specific reference to such terms as UCS, CS, UCR, and CR and stimulus generalization.
What factors influence reactions to stress?
Describe some of the differences among perception, memory and imagination.
Define and provide original examples from your own experience of: (a) an absolute threshold (b) a difference threshold (c) adaptation
Briefly describe the Gestalt principles of similarity, proximity, and closure. Provides simple diagrams illustrating each of these principles. Explain how each principal relates to the fundamental Gestalt principle of simplicity.
How are conative needs measured?
How would you interpret Piaget's Theory of Infant Development? Is cognitive process and sensormotor stage a part of the development?
Why is educational psychology considered a science?
In the elementary classroom of today,what would be some possible, practical applications of cognitive development from Vygotsky's point of view? In the elementary classroom of today,what would be some possible, practical applications of cognitive development from Vygotsky's point of view?
How might a strengths-based approach, like positive psychology, be more effective in working with clients suffering from mental illness?
Explain the psychological importance of understanding one's development as an infant, child, or adolescent. Explain the psychological importance of understanding one's development as an infant, child, or adolescent.
How might memory be influenced by internal and external factors?
How does perception affect hearing and sound.
What scientific evidence can you produce to dispute that the cause of a certain behavior is the result of a traumatic childhood experience? How to argue with a friend who is trying to claim "traumatic childhood experience."
What is metacognition and cognition?
What is the difference between 'patience' and 'tolerance', according to psychology? i want to relate the 'concept of patience' in the noble Quran to the concept of tolerance in positive psychology.
Define engulfment, implosion, and petrification in R.D. Laing's The Divided Self. How can we apply these on a schizophrenic patient?
Compare and contrast Piaget and Vygotsky's views on the stages of development? This question is a little difficult to answer since Vygotsky doesn't really have "stages" like Piaget does in his theory.
Generate two (2) original examples which support the idea that memory is constructive, not merely a passive replication of experience.
Why is emotional development a reason some people shame others?
Discuss the two ways in which mindfulness is usually taught.
Can someone give me a good fun fact about the science of psychology? can you give me a fact that has to do with psychology and explain it to me and where you go it...because i cant find anything
What perspective in psychology, either historical or current, makes the least sense to you? and why?
Are you able to tell when someone is being honest with you?
What does it mean if you dream of one person over and over even though the dream is different every time? The dream is about one person who could be my real mother according to the dream, but I think it's impossible! So can you please tell me what that could mean in details.
What one significant historical event that involved notable group behavior relates to the instinct theory? Choose one significant historical event that involved notable group behavior, and relate it to one or more specific theories of behavior using one or more theory identified.
Compare and contrast clinical and counseling psychology.
Psychology Can you help me understand the defenition of Archetypes?
How does parental stress impact the quality of interactions children have with their parents?
Identify 2 approaches to helping a client using Person Centered Therapy. Counseling
Describe two of the contemporary approaches to psychology. compare how each approach views the cause of behavior.
Explain the five needs in Maslow’s hierarchy.
Explain violent behavior in children using a modern perspective of psychology.