Pierre Gassendi Criticism
- Introduction
- Principal Works
- To the ingenious and learned Gentleman, the worshipful John Evelyn Esquire
- Gassendi's Account of the Nature of Things
- Gassendi and the Transition from the Middle Ages to the Classical Era
- The Libertines Érudits
- Gassendi's Life of Peiresc: The Humanist's Unattainable Goal of Writing a Universal History
- Hellenistic Background for Gassendi's Theory of Ideas
- The Theory of Ideas in Gassendi and Locke
- ‘Living and Speaking Statues’: Domesticating Epicurus
- Mind Versus Flesh
- Providence and Human Freedom in Christian Epicureanism: Gassendi on Fortune, Fate, and Divination
- The Role of Freedom and Pleasure in the State and Society
- Further Reading