Philip Melanchthon Criticism
- Introduction
- Principal Works
- Prelude: The Friendship Between Luther and Melanchthon
- Melanchthon in America
- Introduction to Melanchthon on Christian Doctrine: Loci Communes 1555
- Loci Communes Theologici: Editor's Introduction
- The Universe of Philip Melanchthon: Criticism and Use of the Copernican Theory
- Melanchthon's Astrology
- Melanchthon on Resisting the Emperor: The Von der Notwehr Unterricht of 1547
- Melanchthon and Tudor England
- The Significance of Philip Melanchthon's Rhetoric in the Renaissance
- The Role of the Heavens in the Thought of Philip Melanchthon
- Philipp Melanchthon: Image and Substance
- ‘We Will Feast Together in Heaven Forever’: The Epistolary Friendship of John Calvin and Philip Melanchthon
- Melanchthon As Humanist and Reformer
- Melanchthon's Rhetoric As a Context for Understanding His Theology
- Further Reading