Paradise Lost Questions on Book 10
Paradise Lost
What are the autobiographical elements in Paradise Lost, books 1-4 and 9-10?
Autobiographical elements in books 1–4 and books 9–10 of Paradise Lost could include England’s civil war and John Milton’s blindness.
Paradise Lost
The exploration of evil and corruption in John Milton's Paradise Lost
In Paradise Lost, John Milton explores evil and corruption through the characters of Satan and his followers, who rebel against God. Milton delves into themes of ambition, pride, and disobedience,...
Paradise Lost
How does Milton address appearance versus reality in books 9 and 10 of Paradise Lost?
In books 9 and 10 of Paradise Lost, Milton explores the theme of appearance versus reality. In book 9, Satan, disguised as a serpent, deceives Eve by distorting reality, leading her to believe...
Paradise Lost
Discuss the issue of gender in Paradise Lost, particularly in Adam and Eve's relationship.
In "Paradise Lost," gender roles in Adam and Eve's relationship are explored, especially after the Fall. Eve's humble apology and willingness to take responsibility for her actions, despite her...
Paradise Lost
In Paradise Lost, how does Eve respond to Adam's judgment post-sin?
After sinning, Eve initially responds to Adam's judgment with defensiveness, refusing to accept responsibility and blaming Adam for not being firm enough. However, later in Book 10 of Paradise Lost,...
Paradise Lost
Why is Discord described as Sin's first daughter in Paradise Lost, book 10, lines 707-8, despite Sin's only child...
In Paradise Lost, Discord is the first daughter of Sin, and Death is the son of Sin. In the poem, Discord sows division between God's creatures, such as when she causes animals to struggle against...