Paradise Lost Criticism
Paradise Lost, John Milton (Literary Criticism (1400-1800))
- Introduction
- Principal Works
- Shapes of Things Divine: Eve, Myth, and Dream
- The Gender of the Reader and the Problem of Sexuality
- ‘Other Excellence’: Generic Multiplicity and Milton's Literary God
- Love Made in the First Age: Edenic Sexuality in Paradise Lost and Its Analogues
- ‘Smit with the Love of Sacred Song’: Psalm Genres
- Satan and King Charles: Milton's Royal Portraits
- Fault Lines: Milton's Mirror of Desire
- Milton's Spectre in the Restoration: Marvell, Dryden, and Literary Enthusiasm
- Paradise Lost and the Colonial Imperative
- Further Reading
Paradise Lost, John Milton (Poetry Criticism)
- Introduction
- Principal Works
- From The Lives of the English Poets
- From The Complete Poetical Works of John Milton
- From A Preface to Paradise Lost
- Milton's “Satan” and the Theme of Damnation in Elizabethan Tragedy
- Structural Pattern in Paradise Lost
- Milton's Counterplot
- Adam Unparadised
- The Descent to Light
- The Language of Paradise Lost
- Milton's Passionate Epic
- Milton on Women—Yet Once More
- The Power of Choice
- The Politics of Poetry: Feminism and Paradise Lost
- Paradise Lost: The Uncertain Epic
- Eve and the Arts of Eden
- Thir Sex Not Equal Seem'd’: Equality in Paradise Lost
- Further Reading