Owen Felltham Criticism
- Introduction
- Principal Works
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- Miscellaneous Essayists of the Seventeenth Century
- Resolves of a Royalist
- Felltham's Character of the Low Countries
- The Poems of Owen Felltham
- The Use Made of Owen Felltham's Resolves: A Study in Plagiarism
- Essays and Characters
- Pointed Style after Bacon
- ‘New Frame and Various Composition’: Development in the Form of Owen Felltham's Resolves
- Introduction to The Poems of Owen Felltham, 1604?-1668
- The Graces and the Muses: Felltham's Resolves
- Resolves: Divine, Moral, Political
- An Anglican Family Worship Service of the Interregnum: A Cancelled Early Text and a New Edition of Owen Felltham's ‘A Form of Prayer.’
- Further Reading