by S. E. Hinton
This quiz focuses on important events throughout Chapter 5 of the Outsiders.
Dally was questioned by the police and gave them vital information.
Who comes to visit the boys?
What do Johnny and Ponyboy say they'll never do again?
Ponyboy says he has an overactive imagination.
Johnny is dumb and can't understand the novel Ponyboy is reading.
Who is working for the gang as a spy?
Where is Johnny in the morning when Ponyboy wakes up?
Darry is worried sick about Ponyboy and is sorry for hitting him.
Dally looks like he hasn't shaved in months.
Ponyboy is happy and willing to cut and bleach his hair.
Which of the following items did Johnny NOT buy?
Who writes Ponyboy a letter?
What book did Johnny bring home?
What does Johnny suggests they do?
What does Ponyboy consider his pride and joy?
What poem does Ponyboy recite?
Where does Dally tell the police the boys are heading?
Ponyboy comments that he would rather have ran away with Two-Bit.