The Outsiders Questions on Bob Sheldon

The Outsiders

Three major characters who die in the novel The Outsiders are Bob Sheldon, Johnny Cade, and Dallas Winston.

1 educator answer

The Outsiders

According to Randy in The Outsiders, Bob wanted his parents to set boundaries and discipline him. He felt unloved and neglected because they always gave in to his demands, leading him to act out in a...

4 educator answers

The Outsiders

Cherry admires both Bob and Dally for their strong personalities and charisma. Despite Bob's violent tendencies, she sees his leadership and passion. Similarly, she respects Dally's toughness and...

4 educator answers

The Outsiders

According to Randy in The Outsiders, Bob's real problem was that his parents never set limits for him. They indulged him and never disciplined him, which led to his reckless behavior and eventual...

2 educator answers

The Outsiders

Ponyboy and Bob face distinct challenges in The Outsiders. Ponyboy struggles with his identity and the socioeconomic divide between the Greasers and the Socs. Bob, a Soc, battles with a lack of...

6 educator answers

The Outsiders

Johnny's actions against Bob in The Outsiders can be seen as morally complex and legally problematic. Morally, Johnny acted out of self-defense and to protect Ponyboy from further harm. Legally,...

2 educator answers

The Outsiders

After Bob's stabbing in The Outsiders, the Socs are shocked and angry. They feel a heightened sense of animosity towards the Greasers, which exacerbates the tension between the two groups. The...

2 educator answers

The Outsiders

In The Outsiders, Johnny kills Bob Sheldon in self-defense to save Ponyboy from drowning. Johnny, traumatized by a previous attack by the Socs, reacts out of fear and protection. The irony lies in...

7 educator answers