Dally's rebellious nature and his resistance to laws certainly influenced Ponyboy and Johnny , but there's more to this scenario than meets the reader's eye. Dally takes pride in his reputation as a greaser who lives above the law, and he needs to uphold this reputation in front of...
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other greasers. As well, Dally's arrogance and leadership skills pressure Ponyboy and Johnny to follow Dally's example, as they have greaser reputations to protect as well.
Not only are the three greasers maintaining their identities as rebels by sneaking into the movies without paying, they are also making a financial decision. Dally, Ponyboy and Johnny did actually have the money to pay in their very pockets, but that does not mean that they could afford the luxury of going to the movies. It is possible, if not likely in Johnny's case, that spending the money on the movies might mean having to miss a meal or bus fare the next day.
In Chapter 2, Ponyboy, Johnny, and Dally sneak into the drive-in theatre. Ponyboy says they waited behind Spencer's Special, a discount house, and chased a few junior-high boys across the field until it was dark enough to climb the back fence of the Nightly Double drive-in movies. The Nightly Double was the biggest movie theatre in town and only charged a quarter if you didn't have a car. Ponyboy admits that each of the boys could have paid to get in, but Dally hated to do things the "legal" way. He elaborates on Dally's rebellious, mischevious character by mentioning that Dally went around trying to break laws. He says that Dally liked to show that he didn't care if there were laws or not. Dally is a real criminal who has been involved in serious gang violence in New York City. Pony mentions that he has even been to prison before. Ponyboy doesn't like Dally but has to show him respect. Ponyboy and Johnny are both young and sensitive, which is why they go along with Dally when he decides to sneak in.