Desdemona in Othello Quiz

Don't dismiss Desdemona as just a good-but-not-very-bright-girl who gets duped. In fact, Desdemona is one of Shakespeare's most interesting female characters. Pains are taken to describe how dutiful she is, yet she defies her powerful father to marry the man she loves. However, she is not flawless. For example, Desdemona knows Iago is “a most profane and liberal counsellor” but she lets down her guard and trusts him as "Honest Iago," as does her husband. Be sure you understand the nuances of this complex, doomed character by taking our exclusive, interactive quiz on the character of Desdemona in Othello. Rank your score against others and see how you compare. What have you got to lose? Nothing! What do you have to gain? A better grade!

  1. To what does Desdemona testify before the Venetian senate?

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  2. For whose military reinstatement does Desdemona plead, after the man is demoted?

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  3. True or False: Desdemona insists on her father's permission before she will agree to marry Othello

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  4. True or False: Desdemona was never unfaithful to Othello

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  5. Who is Desdemona's father?

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