Othello Questions on Dramatic Irony


The "green-eyed monster" line in Othello refers to jealousy. Iago warns Othello that jealousy is a destructive force that can consume him. The term "green" has historically symbolized jealousy, as...

1 educator answer


The play Othello is about a man named Othello, who was once a general. He is married to Desdemona, and they are very much in love. His lieutenant, Iago, becomes jealous of Othello and wants his...

1 educator answer


In Othello, dramatic elements like irony, suspense, and psychological depth reveal truths about human nature. Characters embody real-life traits and flaws: Desdemona's loyalty mirrors abuse victims'...

1 educator answer


The Duke's statement to Brabantio in Othello that whoever "beguiled" his daughter will be punished contains dramatic irony in the fact that in reality, Desdemona meets a "bloody" end. There is also...

2 educator answers