Once Upon a Time Questions on Fairy-Tale Language
Once Upon a Time
Stylistic Devices in "Once Upon a Time" by Nadine Gordimer
In Nadine Gordimer's "Once Upon a Time," various stylistic devices create a children's story atmosphere with an ironic twist. The story uses a frame narrative, allegory, and fairy tale elements like...
Once Upon a Time
How does Nadine Gordimer shift from autobiography to bedtime story in "Once Upon A Time"?
Nadine Gordimer transitions from autobiography to bedtime story by starting with a first-person narrative reflecting her fears and reluctance to write a children's story. This autobiographical frame...
Once Upon a Time
How does Gordimer's decision to set "Once Upon a Time" in a fairy-tale world affect your reading experience?
The fairy-tale quality of the story allows the reader to relate to the characters and events in a way that Gordimer’s other writings do not.
Once Upon a Time
What fairy-tale language does Gordimer use to describe the family's situation in "Once Upon a Time"?
Gordimer uses simple language, repetition, stock phrases, polysyndeton, and repeated motifs to create the atmosphere of a fairy tale in describing the family's situation.