Once Upon a Time Questions on Nadine Gordimer
Once Upon a Time
What does Gordimer's story reveal about her political point of view?
What readers learn about Gordimer's political point of view through the story is that she opposes the unjust society created through racism and apartheid. She believes that even the privileged suffer...
Once Upon a Time
Nadine Gordimer's political views in "Once Upon a Time."
In "Once Upon a Time," Nadine Gordimer's political views are critical of apartheid and the societal divisions it creates. Through the story, she highlights the consequences of living in fear and...
Once Upon a Time
The purpose of the opening in "Once Upon a Time"
The purpose of the opening in "Once Upon a Time" is to introduce the story with a sense of foreboding and to establish the narrative framework. It sets the tone for the story, hinting at the themes...
Once Upon a Time
In Once Upon a Time by Nadine Gordimer, how does Gordimer differ from other South Africans?
Nadine Gordimer differs from other South Africans through her fearless activism and literary work against apartheid. Unlike many who accepted government restrictions, she openly criticized racial...