Oedipus Rex Questions on Ode 1
Oedipus Rex
In Oedipus Rex, how does the Chorus's response change from Ode 1 to Ode 2?
The first stasimon shows confidence and support for Oedipus, but the second stasimon contains a warning to those who oppose Gods and their will.
Oedipus Rex
What does Ode 1 contribute to Sophocles's "Oedipus Rex"?
Ode 1 in Sophocles's "Oedipus Rex" serves to introduce the central problem faced by Thebes, highlighting the plague afflicting the city and the people's pleas for divine intervention. It sets the...
Oedipus Rex
In Oedipus Rex, which god, according to Ode 1, will inevitably punish Laius' murderer?
In "Ode 1" of Oedipus Rex, it is Zeus who is called upon to punish Laius' murderer. While Athene, Artemis, and Apollo are invoked to aid Thebes, Zeus is specifically entreated to use his power to...