Oedipus Rex Questions on Ending
Oedipus Rex
What is the conclusion of the story in Oedipus Rex?
The conclusion of Sophocles's Oedipus Rex encompasses the events which occur after Oedipus discovers that he is the murderer of Laius, the former king of Thebes. These events include Jocasta's...
Oedipus Rex
What was your experience and reaction to watching Oedipus Rex?
Watching "Oedipus Rex" evokes a range of emotions, from confusion over the sudden focus on King Laius's murder due to a plague in Thebes, to surprise at Jocasta's dismissal of prophecies. Oedipus's...
Oedipus Rex
What plot questions remain unanswered at the end of Oedipus Rex?
By the end of "Oedipus Rex," several plot questions remain unanswered. The fate of the Corinthian dynasty is unclear since Oedipus cannot inherit his stepfather's throne, and it is uncertain if the...