Greek Tragedy Test: Oedipus the King

by Christopher Stockdale

  • Released February 12, 2019
  • subjects
  • 0 pages
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Grade Levels

Grade 10


  • What does the prophet say is the cause for the plague on the city?
  • What does Oedipus say he will do to the person responsible?
  • What happens to the people who question King Oedipus about the murder?
  • Why doesn’t Oedipus know, at first, that he actually killed King Laius?
  • Why doesn’t Oedipus know, at first, that he is sleeping with his own mother?
  • Describe the death of King Laius using specific details.
  • What are the lesson(s) that Oedipus learns?
  • What lessons can we learn and apply to our own lives, from the play?


Constructed response test