Norman Podhoretz Criticism
- Introduction
- Principal Works
- Critic on the Hearth
- He Typed His Way Up
- Talking It Up
- Making It Home
- Du côté de chez Podhoretz
- Norman Podhoretz, Distinguished Provincial or Fantasy Person?
- Writers & Writing: Making Politics Simple
- Review of Breaking Ranks: A Political Memoir
- Shock Troops
- Born-Again Conformist
- The Revised Version
- Lucky No Longer
- Second Thoughts on the Vietnam War
- Pious Patriotics
- Forthright Essays Reveal the World according to Podhoretz
- The Good Fight
- Trop de Zèle
- Norman's Conquest: A Commentary on the Podhoretz Legacy
- A Jittery Outsidedness
- Norman Podhoretz: Making Enemies
- The Outcast
- Family Man
- After the Fall
- Counting Ex-Friends
- Jolly Ex-Friends for Evermore
- Homage to Norman Podhoretz
- Breaking up Is (Sorta) Hard to Do
- Rebel on the Right
- Yankee Doodle Dandy: Making It in America While Breaking Ranks and Settling Scores
- The Patriot
- Patriotism of the Heart
- Buy American
- Voices of the One God
- The Prophets Today
- The Norman Podhoretz Reader: A Selection of His Writings from the 1950s through the 1990s
- Further Reading