Night Questions on Birkenau


In "Night," the train carrying Elie Wiesel and other Jewish prisoners stops at Birkenau, part of the Auschwitz concentration camp. As they arrive, they witness flames rising from a chimney and smell...

3 educator answers


In Night, the trains transported Elie Wiesel and other Jewish prisoners primarily to Auschwitz, a notorious Nazi concentration and extermination camp. From there, they were later moved to other...

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In Elie Wiesel's Night, Birkenau serves as the "reception center" for Auschwitz, where Jews undergo selection and processing. It is where Elie's faith is shattered, witnessing horrific acts,...

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Elie and his father undergo a harrowing selection process at Birkenau, where they are separated from the women and advised to lie about their ages to increase survival chances. Facing Dr. Mengele,...

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Upon arrival at Birkenau, the first event the Jewish people encounter is the separation of men and women. This moment is marked by the smell of burning flesh, which echoes Mrs. Schächter's earlier...

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Wiesel's last memory of his mother occurs at Birkenau, where arriving prisoners are separated by gender. Eliezer sees his mother stroking his sister's hair as they are moved to the right, symbolizing...

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